> 文章列表 > 在春节你干什么英语




What do you usually do during the Spring festival? Please be reminded to adopt the answer in a timely manner.


I set off the firecrackers. 我放了鞭炮。I visited my grandparents. 我看望了我祖父母。I played with my friends. 我和朋友一起玩耍。


During the Spring Festival, my family and I usually engage in various activities and traditions. Firstly, we clean the house and decorate it with red lanterns and couplets. We believe that this will bring good luck and drive away evil spirits. Then, we gather together for a grand reunion dinner and enjoy delicious traditional Chinese food, such as dumplings, fish, and niangao. We also set off firecrackers to celebrate the arrival of the new year. Besides, we exchange red envelopes containing lucky money as a symbol of good wishes. Finally, we visit our relatives and friends, giving them blessings for the new year.


1. 我们会举办丰盛的大餐。春节期间,家人聚在一起享用美食是一个重要的传统。我们会准备各种各样的菜肴和点心,让大家品尝到各种美味。根据民俗习惯,我们相信吃饭越丰盛,新年的好运就越多。

2. 我们会收到压岁钱。在春节期间,长辈会给晚辈红包,里面装着压岁钱。这是一种传统习俗,寓意着长辈的关爱和祝福。收到压岁钱后,孩子们会非常高兴,因为他们可以用这些钱买自己喜欢的东西。

3. 我们会和亲朋好友相聚。春节是团聚的时刻,人们会返回自己的家乡,与亲人和朋友一起庆祝。我们会互相拜年,祝福对方新年快乐和吉祥如意。这是一个增进感情的好机会,在欢声笑语中度过美好的时光。


During the Spring Festival, my family and I have a lot of activities to celebrate this special occasion. Firstly, we gather together to have a big feast. We prepare a variety of dishes and desserts, which symbolize abundance and good luck. It\'s a time for us to indulge in delicious food and enjoy the festive atmosphere.

Secondly, we exchange red envelopes containing lucky money. This is a traditional practice where older family members give money to the younger ones as a way to bless them with good fortune for the new year. It\'s always exciting to receive red envelopes and see how much money we get. Some of us even keep track of the total amount received, turning it into a friendly competition.

Lastly, we visit relatives and friends to give our New Year greetings and best wishes. It\'s a time for reunion and strengthening bonds with loved ones. We exchange small gifts, share stories from the past year, and catch up with each other\'s lives. It\'s a joyous occasion filled with laughter and happiness.


Today is the Spring Festival, and I went to the park to play with my parents. Although it was in the morning, there were already a lot of people. On the road, I saw many lion dance performances and heard the sound of firecrackers. It was such a festive atmosphere. In the park, there were traditional folk activities, such as paper cutting and calligraphy exhibitions. I also enjoyed delicious snacks, like tangyuan and jiaozi. It was a wonderful day full of joy and celebration.


What else do you do during the New Year?


I am very happy because today is the Spring Festival. When I woke up at 7:00, I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Then, I put on new clothes and ate a big breakfast with my family. After that, we went to the temple to pray for blessings and good luck. In the afternoon, we visited our relatives and exchanged New Year greetings. We had a delicious dinner together and watched the Spring Festival Gala on TV. It was a memorable day filled with happiness and love.

What do you do during the Chinese New Year什么意思

