> 户口文章 > 户口本翻译 - 户口簿翻译件

户口本翻译 - 户口簿翻译件

前言:户口本翻译XX year X month X day because of the change of residence and not to the other country by XXX All household population increas


XX year X month X day because of the change of residence and not to the other country by XXX All household population increase or decrease in record Graduated from the school of old technical secondary school students to move i...


名字,户主或与户主的关系 曾用名,性别 出生地,国籍 生日 在这个城市的其他地址 身份证号 身高,血型 学历,政治面貌。服军役情况 工作单位 何时在何地签到这个城市 何时在何地迁到此地址 意思是是否是农业户口或城市户口 户号






题主找翻译公司即可,我多唠几句,希望有帮助: 户口本的概念 居民户口簿是我国公民的重要证件,由中华人民共和国公安部制,用于登记住户人员的姓名、籍贯、出生年月日、具体职称、职业等内容的簿册。在上学、结婚、领取护照、以及办理很多重要...


1、X年X月X日因本址并户,由A省B市C区移入本址。 2、X年X月X日出生申报 3、X年X月X日因留汉大学毕业生落户,由某处迁入。(留汉指留在武汉) 1. X-X, X-Day, due to the location of this site, moved to the site from Area B of City B. 2, X ...


如果你要来美国,户口可以翻译成 residentship,英国怎么叫不太了解。

户口本翻译啊啊啊啊啊啊 急!!!!!!!!!!!!

Name 姓名 Householder or Relation with the householder 户主或与户主的关系 Used name 曾用名 Sex 性别 Place of Birth 出生地 Nationality Han 国籍 汉 Place of origin 籍贯 Date of birth 出生日期 Other address in this city 在这个城市...

户口本的注意事项怎么翻译啊? 急求~~~~ 谢谢了~~~...

1. The inhabitant resident register has proved citizen statuscondition as well as between family member reciprocity legal effect,is the household registration institution carries on the householdregister to investigate the \ ch...

户口本 翻译

By where to migrate to the city (county): March 1, 1989 to mobilize workers in Heilongjiang Anda (moved outside the cities and counties) Moved by where to this site: in August 1993 moved to the city police station has become a ...

户口本翻译 - 户口簿翻译件