> 户口文章 > 结果词组 - 短缺词组

结果词组 - 短缺词组

前言:结果英语怎么说(要短语)!?结果用英语短语翻译是:at last. at last 英[t lɑ:st] 美[t lst] ; 终于; 卒; 结果; 算是; 例句:Look! Its snowing. Winter is here at las

结果 用英语怎么说(要短语)!?

结果用英语短语翻译是:at last. at last 英[æt lɑ:st] 美[æt læst] ; 终于; 卒; 结果; 算是; 例句:Look! It's snowing. Winter is here at last. 瞧,下雪了。终于是冬天了。 结果翻译为英文还可以是:outcome;effect ;resul...


as a consequence as a result in the end finally consequently at long last at bottom therefore then at last ultimately


拔十得五 拔:选拔,推荐。想选拔十个,结果只选得五个。指选拔人才不容易。 出处:《新唐书·张九龄传》:“夫吏部尚书、侍郎,以贤而授者也,岂不能知人?如知之难,拔十得五,斯可矣。” 搬石砸脚 比喻本来想害别人,结果害了自己。 抱薪救焚 比...


as a result


a result; an outcome; an effect in the event; so that; so ... that as a result of in consequence


so 有的时候可以表示结果,比如:there was no one there, so i went away accordingly 在此同意:the thing had to be done. accordingly we did it. consequently =as a result 亦做:in consequently: by consequently 从句句式:with the re...


so 有的时候可以表示结果,比如:there was no one there, so I went away accordingly 在此同意:the thing had to be done. Accordingly we did it. consequently =as a result 亦做:in consequently: by consequently 从句句式:with the re...


1、秋收东藏:秋天收获,冬天存储。泛指常规的农事活动。 2、稇载而归:稇载:满载;归:返回。东西装得满满地回来。形容收获极丰富。 3、宝山空回:走进到处是宝物的山里,却空手出来。比喻根据条件,本来应该有丰富的收获,却一无所得(多指求...

给我一些表示结果的短语 谢谢了

as a consequence as a result in the end finally consequently at long last at bottom therefore then at last ultimately


不能自已 动人心弦 耳红面赤 扼腕长叹 扼腕抵掌 扼腕叹息 感慨激昂 欢忭鼓舞 哗世取名 欢欣鼓舞 举国若狂 慨当以慷 口沸目赤 慷慨陈词 慷慨赴义 慷慨激扬 扣人心弦 脸红耳赤 脸红耳热 老泪纵横 面红耳赤 面红颈赤 磨拳擦掌 莫知所为 情不自禁 情...

结果词组 - 短缺词组